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Tips About Garage Doors or Openers

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Tips About Garage Doors or Openers

Quickly learn the tricks of the trade and how they can help you keep your garage door in great condition – browse our repertoire of maintenance and repair tips here!

Prepare your garage door opener before leaving for vacation

Before going on vacation, or leaving your home for any extended period of time, make sure that you enable its “vacation mode” feature. Many models have this option, which is also sometimes called "digital lock" or "security" mode. If your opener doesn't have this feature, you can simply unplug it from the electrical socket in order to prevent tech-savvy thieves from exploiting it in order to gain access to your home while you're away.

Keep an eye and an ear out for abnormalities

Be vigilant with your garage door. If you notice something that doesn’t look quite right or if you hear the door making a strange noise, there is probably something wrong with it. If you find a problem, or suspect one exist but can't locate it, give our experts a call right away.

Check the vicinity before opening your garage door

Your family’s safety is your highest priority. Therefore, you should always take the utmost care when opening or closing your garage door. Its panels are extremely heavy so before you operate your door, check to make sure none of your family members or pets are standing in its way.

Upgrade your door with metal handles & decorative hinges

These decorative parts can be bought at almost any home improvement store at very affordable prices. Applying them can make a world of difference to the aesthetic of your garage door. Of all the ways in which you can improve the look and value of your garage doors, this is one of the easiest and most cost effective methods.

Take care of your remote

Garage door clickers are small but important if this is how you rely on automatically opening your door. It's vital to keep them in good condition and make sure they are kept clean. Change their batteries, blow away dust and avoid keeping them in the car for obvious security reasons. It's also prudent to keep them away from the hands of your kids!

Keep Your Entrance Clear Of Clutter

Keep major obstacles away from your garage door installation. We always recommend placing objects a minimum of 2-feet away from the door to minimize the risk of collision. You also don't want to force users to try and squeeze into narrow spaces. Safety always comes first before aesthetics in these matters. The entrance should be open for vehicles!


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* $29 service call - deducted from the service

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Feb 11, 2025
8:00AM - 10:00AM
10:00AM - 12:00PM
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14:00PM - 16:00PM
16:00PM - 18:00PM

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